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Year 5 : General (Internal) Medicine (G(I)M)


This three-week module has been designed to expose you to a wide range of acutely unwell medical patients in different clinical settings and at different stages of their “journey”. To address this you will work with the teams from emergency medicine, acute care, specialist and general medicine.

The principal learning outcome of the final year is that you should be able to undertake your F1 posts with confidence.  Throughout this module you will need to:

  • Revisit the basic science, human science and public health aspects of medical care including the use of evidence-based practice, guidelines and audit in medical care.


  • Consolidate and improve your clinical skills.


  • Revise and deepen your understanding of common emergency and long term conditions and contribute, under supervision, to diagnosing and managing patients with these conditions.


  • Contribute to patient’s physical and psychological care during their admission.


  • Understand the therapeutic interventions utilised in the patients you see; including health education, addressing secondary risk factors, the interventions of the wider multi-disciplinary team and the prescribing of patient’s medications (with close reference to the BNF).


  • Undertake administrative tasks to support the wider medical team.


  • Perform and witness a number of important interventional procedures.





Barts and The London - School of Medicine and Dentistry

© 2011 Barts and The London
School of Medicine and Dentistry

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